Hi! So, I've not really touched this website for years. It's fallen into disrepair and it would be irresponsible of me to pretend I'll ever have time to work on it again.
So, I'm going to mothball the site/set it to read-only. I've disabled the login links because they stopped working any I don't remember enough about how the site works to figure out how to fix them.
If any thing *really* needs updating (deadnaming-level stuff), let me know and I'll go in on the backend and make changes.
ensisdraconis's Larp Resume
- Cracks in the Orb
as Leodex Fi Fintarre
- Collision Imminent
as Wynn, Maintenance Tech
- The Passage
as Cpt. Brackley
- Once Upon a Time in Tombstone
as Gabriel Morton
- The Barbecue
as Brittany
- To Kill A Vampire
- Yo Dog I Heard You Like LARPs...
as Nelson Lockman/Alucard
- High Rollers
- Slash!
as Bones
- Sky No Longer Blue
- Venezia
as Raphael
- Miskatonic Archeological Expedition
as Peabody
- Miskatonic Class Reunion 2000
- The Council of Fennas Drunin
as Mayor
- The Road Not Taken
- Vanishing Point
- Skies of Eladria
- Tryst
- Stars of Al-Ashtara
as Prince Amir
- Time Travel Review Board
as Ichabod
- The Difficult Life of the Costumed Henchman
as Mister Lloyd
- Plan Eight From Outer Space
as Blint, Project Manager
- Lux
- Happily Ever After?
as Romeo
- Paranoia: Research and Dismemberment
- Martha Stewart's Guide to Interdimensional Summoning (and basting a turkey)
as Danny Dakota
- Unconventional Odyssey
- GM Space
as Marcus
- Elanthia
as Prince Edmond Wessex
- Torch of Freedom
- Secrets of the Necronomicon
as Weld
- Marin County New Age Society Cocktail Party
- Marlowe 2020
as Joseph Kennedy
- Oh God, Everybody's Dying!
- Intercon H Soul Exchange
- Last Stop
- Game of Empire
Unknown date
- Cracks in the Orb as Leodex Fi Fintarre
- Collision Imminent as Wynn, Maintenance Tech
- The Passage as Cpt. Brackley
- Once Upon a Time in Tombstone as Gabriel Morton
- The Barbecue as Brittany
- To Kill A Vampire
- Yo Dog I Heard You Like LARPs... as Nelson Lockman/Alucard
- High Rollers
- Slash! as Bones
- Sky No Longer Blue
- Venezia as Raphael
- Miskatonic Archeological Expedition as Peabody
- Miskatonic Class Reunion 2000
- The Council of Fennas Drunin as Mayor
- The Road Not Taken
- Vanishing Point
- Skies of Eladria
- Tryst
- Stars of Al-Ashtara as Prince Amir
- Time Travel Review Board as Ichabod
- The Difficult Life of the Costumed Henchman as Mister Lloyd
- Plan Eight From Outer Space as Blint, Project Manager
- Lux
- Happily Ever After? as Romeo
- Paranoia: Research and Dismemberment
- Martha Stewart's Guide to Interdimensional Summoning (and basting a turkey) as Danny Dakota
- Unconventional Odyssey
- GM Space as Marcus
- Elanthia as Prince Edmond Wessex
- Torch of Freedom
- Secrets of the Necronomicon as Weld
- Marin County New Age Society Cocktail Party
- Marlowe 2020 as Joseph Kennedy
- Oh God, Everybody's Dying!
- Intercon H Soul Exchange
- Last Stop
- Game of Empire