Larp: After Party


Your ten-year high school reunion was loud and crowded, so when you got invited to an after party, you gladly accepted. This is your chance to reconnect more closely with a few special people, to say the things you were too scared to in high school, to catch up on how everyone's changed, help out your friends, and maybe finally get to make-out with your old crush.

After Party is a character-interaction driven, real-world game about sexuality, alternative sexuality, identity, romance, friendship, and change. The game uses the Ars Armandi mechanics to simulate physical intimacy.


Your ten-year high school reunion was loud and crowded, so when you got invited to an after party, you gladly accepted. A small gathering of friends and acquaintances, the people you knew from musical theater, Hebrew school, D&D, or the gay-straight alliance. This is your chance to reconnect more closely with a few special people, to say the things you were too scared to in high school, to catch up on how everyone's changed, help out your friends, and maybe finally get to make-out with your old crush.

After Party is a character-interaction driven, real-world game about sexuality, alternative sexuality, identity, romance, friendship, and change. Some characters have the potential to explore themes of money, work, family, ethnicity, and religion. The game uses the Ars Armandi mechanics to simulate physical intimacy, and the game time includes a brief pre-game workshop. Players are encouraged to take Ars Armandi workshop and/or read about the mechanic before playing this game. This game is intended for player 18+ years old. PLEASE NOTE: The Ars Armandi mechanics system relies on safe physical touch to simulate physical intimacy.

CASTING NOTES: While all the roles are listed as gender neutral, every character has a specified gender, so it is helpful if you are comfortable being cross-cast or playing against someone who is. Additionally, most of the characters will deal with one or more of the following sensitive topics: sexual orientation, gender and transgender issues, BDSM & kink, polyamory and open relationships.

10 players