Mansfield with Monsters
@ 7:30 p.m.

Run at Buckets of Dice 2017, Christchurch, NZ


Wellington 1918. It has been many months since the dread Haitian 'Flu arrived in New Zealand. Tens of thousands have died, if not from the 'flu itself then from the depravations of those who succumbed to the disease only to rise from the grave with an insatiable hunger for human flesh.

The Government responded by enacting curfews and rationing measures. The army set up safe zones guarded by machine guns and barbed wire where the living might continue with their business. Those who wander outside the safe zones risk being torn apart by the living dead.

Still one shouldn't let the fact that the dead are returning to life in contravention of the very laws of nature get one down. Many of the city's well-to-do are doing their best to carry on as if there wasn't an apocalypse on their doorstep. In this spirit of brave defiance Dr and Mrs Harry Young are holding a dinner party for a number of their closest friends.

Mansfield with Monsters has been written to celebrate the release of the book of the same name by Matthew and Debbie Cowens ( You don't have to have read the book to enjoy the LARP, but you might want to check it out anyway.