Perchance to Dream
MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA

A baby's cry, lost and abandoned. A scream. The crack of breaking glass. Then silence.

Drip. Drip. Drip. A rhythmic sound that needles at your brain.

A growl, the scent of death. Pain. Darkness. Gone. You wake up.

This hallway is covered in a thick layer of dirt. You cough as it gets on your skin and in your lungs. You see one of those dolls that give you the willies. Casually, you reach up to brush some spider webs aside... but they won't brush away. They cling. A spider the size of a fist lands on your shoulder... and crawls into your hair. A horrible creaking sound echoes around you.There's something odd about this hallway, but what? It's tickling the back of your mind. You can't figure it out, and that makes you a bit crazy.

The wind picks up, a slow crescendo to a screeching howl. It starts like a whisper, but ends in a soul-rending shriek. As you turn and look, you see... nothing. Just empty fog and mist. Mists pour out from the walls. There are faces in the mist, human and ... inhuman. The faces are just tricks of light and shadow.

There is something important -- the reason why you are here. But what is it?