Little Dipping's Great Experiment
@ 10 a.m.

Chimera 2011

Motu Moana Scout Camp, Green Bay, Auckland, New Zealand

by Zara Kinzett

  1. England. A scientific craze has been sweeping the nation. Everyone who is anyone is playing with the new machines that are being developed and following discoveries as they are being made. Newspapers have been full of reports of reanimation attempts, explosions and poisonings. Experiments made by small societies have made them huge amounts of cash and some that have gone catastrophically wrong.

In Little Dipping, Warwickshire a small society of oddballs, eccentrics and bored nobility are just one of these groups, more enthusiastic than most perhaps but not as long established. This Thursday will be their first meeting. They have got hold of an electricity machine, several strange plants, a large amount of spirits and...something else. This Thursday the experiments begin...