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Larp: Take the Initiative


by Russ Kale and Morgan Atkins

"The fiends of grey have narrowed eyes and, following their stares of slate the valiant may claim their prize, but cowardice will seal their fate." - Leddir the Foolhardy

The Subterranean Monastery is the subject of many rumours and lore. Many believe that it doesn't exist at all, and is spoken of as a cautionary fable about greed. Others dismiss it as the ramblings of those who have been on the road alone too long, or as a metaphor about life or education or something. You are not so sure. After all, you have followed the clues, pored over ancient scrolls in archives that, for no good reason, are full of traps, and come this far. Now you stand in the central chamber of the Subterranean Monastery.

Something strange has happened, though. You are not alone here. Many of those who surround you are strangers, but they all share the same glint in their eyes. The treasure of the Subterranean Monastery is close. Will you be the one to grasp it? Where is it, anyway?

Take the Initiative is a fantasy-comedy larp drawing on tabletop roleplaying tropes, with a healthy dose of riddles, weird combat abstractions, and a barbarian named Konrad.

7 to 9 players