Larp: In Nominee: The War at Home


In Nomine the War at Home is about a Cold War between Heaven and Hell and the lives of the residents of Chicago who fight in that war. The game revolves around the six tethers to Heaven in the city, sites where the forces of Heaven organize their proxy war against the forces of Hell. But the status quo of the War cannot continue, as signs of the End of the World begin to accumulate. And those who fight the war in Chicago will have to look to what the final conflict means for the life of the community


More than any other American City, Chicago encompasses the human capacity for great idealism and deep cynicism, for selflessness and avarice, for hope and despair.

It is the city of Jane Addams, of Ida B. Wells, of Daniel Burnham. It is the city of Al Capone, of H.H. Holmes, of Bathhouse John Coughlin.

It is the city where the Columbian Exposition rose, where the lakefront was kept in the hands of the people, the city that rose triumphant from the ashes of its destruction. It is the city where housing projects became horror stories, where the smoke-filled room was born, the city that shattered the faith of fifty million people.

And it is a battleground in the war between Heaven and Hell. And the war that has been cold for so long, the stalemate that has reigned for the past seven centuries, the conflict that has been fought by mortal proxies, that will all change.

Because yesterday, the host of Seraphim were recalled to Heaven.

In Nomine the War at Home is about a Cold War between Heaven and Hell and the lives of the residents of Chicago who fight in that war. The game revolves around the six tethers to Heaven in the city, sites where the forces of Heaven organize their proxy war against the forces of Hell. But the status quo of the War cannot continue, as signs of the End of the World begin to accumulate. And those who fight the war in Chicago will have to look to what the final conflict means for the life of the community

Players will be playing Angels and Mortals in the service of Heaven to begin with, then other character types as the events of the game progress. Character slots will be filled based on a system of pitches, and there will be slots for some special custom character types available as Advisory PCs.
