
New Gods: The Coming Storm
@ 2 p.m.

Run at Gencon in Indianapolis IN, USA


The war with the new Gods is coming. General Kombila has unified most of Africa, with only South Africa and the lands around Egypt remaining independent. Can peace be brokered in Davos, Switzerland?

Ten years after the war God Mars was killed in a skirmish, tension runs high in the world of men and the world of Gods. Davos, Switzerland hosts the annual World Economic Forum. Players from industry, finance, politics and entertainment mix and mingle. The Gods know this is the last chance to choose sides in the coming war. Where will alliances be forged? Inspired by Neil Gaiman's novel, American Gods. Costumes encouraged but not required. Character requests and reservations possible in advance.

By Ed Allen, Kristina Monty, Thomas Javoroski (BYOV)