Hi! So, I've not really touched this website for years. It's fallen into disrepair and it would be irresponsible of me to pretend I'll ever have time to work on it again.
So, I'm going to mothball the site/set it to read-only. I've disabled the login links because they stopped working any I don't remember enough about how the site works to figure out how to fix them.
If any thing *really* needs updating (deadnaming-level stuff), let me know and I'll go in on the backend and make changes.
Adelra's Larp Resume
- Murder and Matchmaking
as Jane Bingly
- The Wasp's Nest
as Sally Wilkinson
- Sanctuary
as The Empress
- The Oncoming Storm
as Ohica
- Apotheosis
- Sunset in the Silver City
as Raphael
- Al Shir-Ma
as Fauzia
- A Game of Thrones: Blackfyre Rising
as Delena Tryell
- Break Room 3 - Basilisk Green
as Sherril from Supplies
- The Wumbus at Solla Sollew
as Mrs Humberfloob
- Crisis Point
as Angela Striker
- Romeo and Ethel the Pirate's Daughter
as Plunder Bunny
- Boffo's Birthday Bash
as Clarissa Boffingham
- The Moor-stepper on Lloegyr
as Solda
- Steampunk Alive! The Last Express
as Moist von Lipstick
- The Rose and the Dragon
as Hawise De Vere
- Tesla's Wedding: AKA Perambulate We Merrily
as Sissy Spoon
- Monsters vs Monsters
as Summer
- Quick Bright Things
as Snout
- Slash 2: Suck it Good
as Amy Pond
- Kirby High Golden Jubilee
- Romeo and Ethel the Pirate's Daughter
as Robin
- Dry Spell
as Mistress Gobbo
- Southern Seas
- Larp Larp
as Leona/Serena
- The Queen's Justice
- Mansfield with Monsters
as Mrs Harry Young
- An Intimate of Devils
- Fragrant Harbour
as Mrs Mary Edwards
- Holiday Season
as Black Friday
- Teacakes, Death Rays and Strychnine
- Pirates and Hookers
as Esmerelda
- Delicious Friends
- The Dance and the Dawn
as Lady Kassarin
- Boffo's Birthday Bash
- Slash!
as Lt. Uhura
- Call of the Wild Hunt
as Lady of the Lake
- Fall of the Jaguar Gods
- Delicious Friends
as The Muse
- Achaean
as Eurydice
- Murder and Matchmaking as Jane Bingly
- The Wasp's Nest as Sally Wilkinson
- Sanctuary as The Empress
- The Oncoming Storm as Ohica
- Apotheosis
- Sunset in the Silver City as Raphael
- Al Shir-Ma as Fauzia
- A Game of Thrones: Blackfyre Rising as Delena Tryell
- Break Room 3 - Basilisk Green as Sherril from Supplies
- The Wumbus at Solla Sollew as Mrs Humberfloob
- Crisis Point as Angela Striker
- Romeo and Ethel the Pirate's Daughter as Plunder Bunny
- Boffo's Birthday Bash as Clarissa Boffingham
- The Moor-stepper on Lloegyr as Solda
- Steampunk Alive! The Last Express as Moist von Lipstick
- The Rose and the Dragon as Hawise De Vere
- Tesla's Wedding: AKA Perambulate We Merrily as Sissy Spoon
- Monsters vs Monsters as Summer
- Quick Bright Things as Snout
- Slash 2: Suck it Good as Amy Pond
- Kirby High Golden Jubilee
- Romeo and Ethel the Pirate's Daughter as Robin
- Dry Spell as Mistress Gobbo
- Southern Seas
- Larp Larp as Leona/Serena
- The Queen's Justice
- Mansfield with Monsters as Mrs Harry Young
- An Intimate of Devils
- Fragrant Harbour as Mrs Mary Edwards
- Holiday Season as Black Friday
- Teacakes, Death Rays and Strychnine
- Pirates and Hookers as Esmerelda
- Delicious Friends
- The Dance and the Dawn as Lady Kassarin
- Boffo's Birthday Bash
- Slash! as Lt. Uhura
- Call of the Wild Hunt as Lady of the Lake
- Fall of the Jaguar Gods
- Delicious Friends as The Muse
- Achaean as Eurydice