
Hi! So, I've not really touched this website for years. It's fallen into disrepair and it would be irresponsible of me to pretend I'll ever have time to work on it again.

So, I'm going to mothball the site/set it to read-only. I've disabled the login links because they stopped working any I don't remember enough about how the site works to figure out how to fix them.

If any thing *really* needs updating (deadnaming-level stuff), let me know and I'll go in on the backend and make changes.

Fires of Emsi
@ 7 p.m.

Run at Big Bad Con, Oakland CA.


Fires of Emsi A live game about dead silence.

Once upon a time, the great city of Igris glittered in the desert. Tall white spires punctuated the sky, beautiful and arrogant. Now where your home once stood, there’s only a scattering of rough stones; the lone and level sands stretch far away. A part of you is dust.

Thirteen years have passed, and with them the affairs of men. On this faint echo of a once-holy day, the world is no longer watching.

But a fire burns in the ruins. Ghosts lie among the stones. Against all odds, a past you have long ago abandoned is not yet ready to abandon you.