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Hi! So, I've not really touched this website for years. It's fallen into disrepair and it would be irresponsible of me to pretend I'll ever have time to work on it again.

So, I'm going to mothball the site/set it to read-only. I've disabled the login links because they stopped working any I don't remember enough about how the site works to figure out how to fix them.

If any thing *really* needs updating (deadnaming-level stuff), let me know and I'll go in on the backend and make changes.

Larp: Space Shuttle Diplomacy


by Sam Lee

It is a time of turmoil in the Mantona Galaxy. War, Piracy, Lost Planets Reappearing, Merchandising Opportunities. So what could be a better time for the representatives of the various governments to sit down in a room and not be allowed to shoot each other?

You are all one of those representatives, sent to the Galactic Council to push your planet’s interests. The Council is taking place on Space Station Zebulon, one of the only neutral areas in the Galaxy.

This game is very much focused on interstellar diplomacy, bureaucracy and political wrangling . While any combats will be resolved by rock-paper-scissors the chances of that happening are VERY minimal. (Apart from anything else, that would be a major diplomatic faux pas).

12 to 16 players