- Camelot's Court of Love
- Date
- Convention
- Location
- Radisson Hotel, Chelmsford, MA, USA
- Description
Courtly Love, Social Intrigue, Unbridled Passion and meticulous attention to detail hallmark this 3-hour theatrical style LARP. Players will bring characters to life from Arthurian legend. Pomp and ceremony rules the day as Queen Guinevere's Court of Love decides the fate of an accused Knight of the Round Table.
Hi! So, I've not really touched this website for years. It's fallen into disrepair and it would be irresponsible of me to pretend I'll ever have time to work on it again.
So, I'm going to mothball the site/set it to read-only. I've disabled the login links because they stopped working any I don't remember enough about how the site works to figure out how to fix them.
If any thing *really* needs updating (deadnaming-level stuff), let me know and I'll go in on the backend and make changes.