
Hi! So, I've not really touched this website for years. It's fallen into disrepair and it would be irresponsible of me to pretend I'll ever have time to work on it again.

So, I'm going to mothball the site/set it to read-only. I've disabled the login links because they stopped working any I don't remember enough about how the site works to figure out how to fix them.

If any thing *really* needs updating (deadnaming-level stuff), let me know and I'll go in on the backend and make changes.

Athena's Chosen
@ 2 p.m.

Run at Be-Con larp convention


The novices are locked in the holiest of holy in Athena’s temple. This final night you will be tested and tempted by the gods themselves. Will you have the faith to turn your back forever on family, love and desire to become an Exalted Virgin Priestess and finally have true power in the world of men? Or will you listen to the sweet temptations of wild Dionysus, the god of ritual madness and fertility, and leave with his free but shunned cultists. Maybe you will reject the gods, returning to your beloved but intensely patriarchal Ancient Arcadian Greece outside the temple walls. Your virginity, your soul, the patronymic name that your father branded into your very skin - you might lose them all tonight.

This larp uses physical space to direct players rather than time-bound act structures - as you walk into the different gods’ areas, their essence will influence your character.

All characters are female. Players of all genders (or none) are equally welcome.

THEMES: Power, lust, love, faith, choice, empowerment (in different ways).